About Me
Tevita Latu
Hello all my name is Tevita Latu but you can call me David, whatever is easier for you. I am married with 3 beautiful kids ages 1, 3, and 6 and they are a handful! I love outdoors and just spending time with family. I am currently a stay home father going to school full time while my wife is working for our family, and I am grateful for my wife because with her I wouldn't have this blessing and opportunity to go to school. The reason why I'm going to school is so i can get a better job and also to let my kids know how important education is, and to motivate them to try hard in school. I love working with computers especially how they work and a lot of times when I have family or friends that have computer problems, I try to fix it for them and every time there is always something new I learn. I've been a member my whole life and my wife and I are trying our best to stay strong to be an example to our kids so that they may be strong as well.